The blocked roads were also used by commuters travelling from satellite towns into Delhi, thus forcing the people to find alternate options for traveling.
Coulson suggests an alternate option, they send someone who will annoy and offend the general so much he will refuse to turn Blonsky over.
With increase in population, change in life style of the people and worse water conditions, people try to go for alternate options to get water.
John Tzetzes listed three alternate options: Eriopis, Alcimache, or Astyoche the daughter of Itylus.
An alternate option is Lic.
A choice to pursue alternate options without seeing fit to keep me apprised?
"Golden State" California license plates were available as alternate option to the previous yellow-on-blue since 1982.
"The High Occupancy Vehicle lane is our proposed action, and a general use lane is our alternate option."
Conveyor systems are sometimes used as an alternate option to carton flow shelving.
An alternate option is to use a wetland system such as that of Veta La Palma.