The articles were deemed obsolete because of the altered political and legal situation following the changes in eastern Europe and German unification.
Every Os/Ka/Loq on the Biodyysey will assimilate facts relevant to this greatly altered situation.
Martha let this altered situation make no difference to her relationship with her husband.
They split up and charged the marauders, giving them no time to adjust to the altered situation.
But he did not take immediate advantage of the altered situation.
The Free Staters, under Brand's rule, had shown considerable ability to adapt their policy to meet the altered situation.
In common usage, a "whole new ball game" or "brand new ball game" signifies a drastic turn of events, a completely altered situation.
But now we had an altered situation.
In this altered situation, one saw things from a slightly different point of view.
"I don't understand," Lem Faal wheezed, slowly coming to grips with a radically altered situation upon the bridge.