But politicians have found no license in the altered mood to push for general tax increases.
Still, the altered mood of this country was change enough for another speaker, Senator Bob Kasten, to say he felt thrilled simply to stand up and be heard.
In women, decreased estrogen levels as a result of ovarian deficiency lead to weakened bone, changes in temperature control, altered mood, and decreased sexual desire.
The fact that this casino (together with the fighting pit) replaced the eerie Scavenger's Room from Dungeon Keeper solidifies the altered mood.
Whatever the outcome, others have noticed the altered mood among the technologists of Detroit.
Who was now more deserving of an altered mood than moi?
People with this condition suffer from recurrent episodes of altered mood and cognitive efficiency, often accompanied by weakness and adrenergic symptoms such as shakiness.
Also, an altered mood might be an indication of sexual assault.
He was silent, therefore, rearranging his thoughts to an altered mood.
However, he did not stop to consider the reason of his altered mood, .