In 1532, a step was added between the sarcophagus and the altar slab by Alfonso Lombardi.
The step, between the sarcophagus and the altar slab, was the third addition to the monument.
The fittings still present in the interior are an altar slab with five consecration crosses, and the base of a 19th-century font.
Tthere is also an altar slab from 1644, as well as a few mutilated brasses.
The altar slab is ancient,and there is a large stone font with a wooden lid.
I realized the man on the altar slab was nearing death.
"The edges that the altar slab covered might do, or we'll find something better."
In the east wall of the south aisle is a medieval altar slab carved with crosses.
Also in the south aisle is a medieval altar slab.
In the chancel are 15th-century piscinae and an oolite altar slab with carved crosses.