Have you come to wash the altar linen?
The hangings and altar linens are stored there as well.
The cruets, chalice, ciborium, paten, altar linens and sometimes the Holy Oils are kept inside the sacristy.
The church she long provided with fresh flowers and crisp altar linens will be abandoned.
Laundering its altar linen and hoovering its aisle carpet often seemed like the instinctive care she gave to anything dependent of which she was fond.
For the lavabo, the priest will use a simple linen towel, which is often considered to be one of the altar linens, though technically it is not.
Some of their events include attending funeral Masses and collecting money to purchase altar linens, vestments, and altar lights.
It was a friendly little building, well worn but well kept, hymnals faded and loose at the spines, brasses gleaming and altar linen spotless.
Additionally they provided and maintained the altar linens and many of the vestments.
The only items that were saved from the fire were the altar linens, communion vessels and the parish hall.