The altar features angels dressed as wayang orang characters.
These altars, roughly 2 meters high and twice as wide, feature an elaborately dressed and sculpted figure on the center front.
There is a conspicuous red sanctuary lamp, though the altar does not feature a tabernacle.
The new main altar, dating to 1887, featured a wooden sculpture of the Virgin Mary.
The main altar features an image of the Divine Saviour donated by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1546.
The altar features a pentagram.
The high altar in the apse features another statue of St. Boniface in the main niche.
The altar features Tiffany Studios stained glass window depicting the empty cross.
The high altar features a small temple inspired to that in the Milan Cathedral.
Another altar features a copy of the Lotus Sutra, flanked by a ceremonial bell and a wooden fish gong.