In a recent class, six students knelt or sat at computers working on reading while four others played a phonetic alphabet game on the floor.
Summary: Playing an alphabet game inspires the Explorers to head to the grasslands of Africa in order to learn about zebras.
Aboard Air Force One, Mr. Bush played an alphabet game, giving Presidential windbreakers to staff members who picked the letter he had in mind.
Charlotte, their 3-year-old, "spends 90 percent of her computing time in Paintbrush, dabbling around, and she really likes her alphabet game," Mr. Wunderlich said.
There are cutout characters, quizzes, alphabet games, poems and many pictures and drawings.
Victoriana dominates the 300 examples representing 50 categories of graphics, from abecedaries (alphabet games) to zoetropes (optical toys).
Downstairs, her children listened as a teacher read a book about ducks and played alphabet games that would help prepare them to read.
Others remembered cataloguing out-of-state license plates or composing alphabet games from signs.
Our Christmas lunch show features: a dodgy alphabet game, Santa Claus and the play where Tiny Tim turns bad.
Honig's first series depicts a deceptively innocent alphabet game.