When Seven Network revealed its new television series lineup for 2012, A Place to Call Home was mentioned alongside other titles.
The show has since become an important 'must-see' for hip-hop enthusiasts, alongside such titles as Wild Style and Beat Street.
Several private and pro-opposition papers publish alongside official titles.
New box-office hits and independent films are shown alongside lesser-known classic titles.
Mr. Marley has lightened up slightly on his third album, "One Bright Day"; there are songs about music and dancing alongside titles like "Justice."
Troma would also release it in early DVD packages alongside lesser known titles that had been purchased for distribution.
In the back of the first edition, it was listed alongside such titles as "White Thighs" and "The Sexual Life of Robinson Crusoe."
This list included Sensible World of Soccer alongside such groundbreaking titles as Space Wars, Tetris, SimCity and Doom.
It was re-released alongside other titles in the series in Square Enix's Ultimate Hits line on May 11, 2006.
Unfortunately, no king's name appears alongside Inykhnum's name and titles, except maybe for that of a Horus Za, whose identity remains unclear.