Demons that existed alongside humans in secret, feeding on them.
These dogs had a prominent role with their human companions - as a utilitarian dog, working, hunting, and living alongside humans.
The future will likely see machines working alongside humans and even learning from them to perform an increasing number of manufacturing tasks.
In this series, mythical creatures secretly exist alongside humans, most of them immortal.
These war dogs, or K-9 Corps as they've been called, have been fighting alongside humans for centuries.
The house mouse, a small mammal, is specialised for living alongside humans, and is found inside buildings.
For medieval Muslims, jinns were real creatures that lived alongside humans.
"You've lived alongside humans since prehistory," Cat said, "and no one ever suspected?"
All of Leonardo's social skills work together so it can work alongside humans.
He had fought alongside humans and other Federation species enough times to know better than to judge them so harshly.