Marshes and swamps, along with certain other types of wet areas, are sometimes referred to as wetlands.
Demetracopoulos lived, along with many congressmen and political types, as a tenant of an apartment in her hotel.
It is a type of lock that is often used along with other types of locks to secure a door.
Chest hair develops during and after puberty along with other types of androgenic hair.
I've always had an easy time getting along with different types of people.
This day is marked with confetti and mariachis along with various types of dancers.
Ahmadiyya Mosques were destroyed along with other types of damage.
It is colloquially called "speed," along with several other types of the drug.
Voice access to the Internet, along with other types of speech-recognition technology, is a growing focus of research.
Torpedo bombers were best used as part of a coordinated attack along with other types of aircraft.