Every school, along with several other schools, are assigned a region.
Further, the school was one of only six to field a women's team in 1999, along with Centennial and several private schools.
The railway built some 200 houses for its workers by 1844 along with schools, a church and a market.
About 700 clinics have yet to be rebuilt, along with 300 schools.
Ships are named after him, along with schools, streets and museums.
There is a police training academy, along with numerous schools and colleges.
Along with five other innovative schools around the city, he said, it had earned the right to such freedoms because of strong leadership.
The school was closed the following day along with other schools in the Palm Bay area.
Upon completion in 1955, 400 children attended the school, and it opened along with several other schools that had been built to accommodate students.
The laboratory, the founding home of the nation's nuclear weapons program, remains closed, along with schools and most businesses in the area.