And 3 percent of priests, along with 29 percent of Catholics generally, said abortions should be generally legal.
AMR will retain an 84 percent interest in the company, along with 98 percent of the voting power.
Doctors removed the growth, along with 20 percent of her kidney.
Karatek activated his recorder along with, he was certain, at least 95.3 percent of the people capable of doing so on board Shavokh.
I, along with 90 percent of the country, feel proud and comforted that he is our president.
The trilobyte, along with 95 percent of life on Earth, died out at the end of the Permian era.
You see, along with about 2 percent of the population in the United States, we do not own a television set.
No longer will one of the world's largest cicada collections, along with 99 percent of the museum's other holdings, be imprisoned in storage.
Sure, along with forty-three percent of all the other attorneys in this town.
The impasse led to a series of temporary spending bills that kept some domestic programs limping along with 25 percent less money.