He was kidnapped along with three other guards, all former soldiers, and Peter Moore, the IT expert they were protecting.
There were twelve technicians on the ship at the time, along with twelve guards watching them under a new security bulletin I issued four days before the accident.
All but two of the 68 crew, along with 24 armed guards and 31 US passengers abandoned ship in four lifeboats and were later rescued.
Sarina Kaur knelt outside the cage, along with three guards and a dumpy-looking, middle-aged man Roberta had never seen before.
Looking to re-establish a stable backcourt for the upcoming 1987-88 season, the Nets selected Dennis Hopson along with five other guards in the 1987 draft.
However, a guard is suspicious of the duo's death and follows them along with three other guards.
Fifteen Sisters and acolytes, along with four male guards.
She along with 100 guards, 500 boys and girl servants, 3,000 bolts of cloth, and 3,000 horses were sent to the Mongol camp.
The shell which took him smashed into the main guardhouse at the entrance to the Strom Wacht camp, vaporizing it along with three other guards.
Marek turned and saw five liveried pages walking toward them, along with two guards in red-and-black surcoats.