By this time they were taking to their car, along with servants who were crooks like themselves.
He crossed the river into Habsburg lands the same day, along with some 100 followers, servants, and family.
Although summoned, along with the minister and other civil servants, she refused to appear in court.
The disease raged through the rancho, killing Ysidro Alvarado and his wife in 1863 along with 21 ranch hands and domestic servants.
Within these caverns, they buried the monarchs of the four lands along with their families, servants, favorite possessions and much of their wealth.
A number of the early dynastic royal burial grounds contain the graves of dogs, along with women and servants of the royal household.
Magnus and I call girls the 'Lower Breed', along with servants and foreigners.
Regional Potentate Rehoboth's palace housed his several wives, children, and grandchildren, along with servants and aides.
Members of nongovernmental organizations, along with civil servants, medical workers and others have been meeting recently in Ramallah in hopes of rallying liberal, democratic forces.
Kira, in terror, took refuge in a closet in the veranda, along with his wife and female servants.