Scotland followed this same plan, in converting to Gregorian dates in 1752, along with England, Wales, Ireland, the American colonies, and related regions.
These along with other regions in the south section generate a good potential of resources for the diverse activities such as tourism and even agriculture.
So the most of Vardar Banovina, (including Vardar Macedonia), was annexed by Bulgaria and along with various other regions became Greater Bulgaria.
In 1956, along with other Marathi-speaking regions of Vidarbha, it became part of Bombay State and part of Maharashtra State in 1960.
In 1821, when Gran Colombia was created, the Province of Margarita was integrated to the Orinoco Department, along with other regions.
The emirate was dissolved by Reza Shah government in 1925, along with other autonomous regions of Persia, in a bid to centralize the state.
However, along with other high mountainous regions of North Africa, the Middle Atlas continued to speak Berber.
Bordeaux, along with other regions, has switched from horizontal presses to the pneumatic press, where a pneumatic bladder filled with air results in a more gentle pressing of the wine.
Along with other traditional wine-producing regions it has recently started to produce white wines and to age, bottle and label its reds.
Along with other eastern regions, a state of emergency was declared in New York City, initiating sensible measures such as evacuating homes at flood risk.