The two passed several security officers, on their way to the Bajoran side, along with several miscellaneous soldiers and civilian personnel.
Most issues of this medal went to Indian troops who along with British personnel were awarded this medal in silver.
Think about the funds needed for airline tickets along with experienced personnel; the whole ball of wax becomes so tangled they give up.
Some bands maintain the same mtindo throughout their career, while others change along with personnel or popular preference.
Soldiers were posted at major street corners, along with armored personnel carriers mounted with machine guns.
Both of these registrations along with associated funds, projects and personnel were later rolled into the Shenzhen-based foundation.
The dependents, along with nonessential personnel, were sent home after the Bali attack.
Doctors McCoy and Sanchez had arrived, along with other medical personnel.
The secret police was finally purged, with its chief, Yagoda, perishing along with other senior personnel.
Thousands of more seriously wounded soldiers were left behind in the Gettysburg area, along with medical personnel.