Senior officers had argued that it would be seen by their courts as entrapment, and refused to risk any potential trial by going along with Tony's proposal.
Once begun, the pattern was difficult to break out of and made it easier to go along with the salesman's proposal than refuse it.
By the time Katherine emerged from the ward, Derec had decided to go along with her proposal that they look for Aranimas?
"But even if we do go along with his proposal, Pamela Sasser still must die."
Mr. Kiley said he might have gone along with Mr. Giuliani's recent proposal to turn over some of the most troubled schools to private companies.
If he didn't go along with the Council's proposal, Loyun Chard's war would become inevitable.
If it were just a question of the woman's rights versus the man's rights, I'd go along with Goldscheider's proposal.
But I will be pleased to go along with your proposal.
He sat now slightly stunned at Jake Grafton's willingness to go along with his spur-of-the-moment proposal.
I'd already pretty much decided we were going to go along with Slim's proposal, but I wanted the willing support of the others.