Suddenly I was 17 again, singing along with my girlfriend, at least until the children in the back seat yelled, "Daaaad!"
Springfield was taking a stained glass class along with his friend Gary and Gary's girlfriend.
He entered the House along with his girlfriend Victoria.
Mechanic was in the crowd, along with his girlfriend.
I just went along with my brother, David, and his girlfriend at the time, Barbara Hershey, and two of their friends.
Quagmire then offers to buy dinner for the two, along with his new girlfriend, Jillian, whom Brian had dated.
Raghav is killed along with his girlfriend, but Deshu manages to survive the attack.
At the age of seventeen he moved to San Francisco along with his girlfriend, who he then married.
Daniel returns to his family's mansion for the holidays along with his girlfriend Susanne.
Now İbrahim has turned 30, and he returns to his village along with his girlfriend, Jessica.