Some common structures are shown in figures 3 and 4, along with their lumped-element counterparts.
Following along with its counterparts, Divorce Court took up this trend in its 3rd/present life.
There were several female Funish painters, struggling to be considered along with their male counterparts with greater or lesser success.
EsselWorld along with its counterparts, Water Kingdom, are stretched over 64 acres of land.
Entei, along with its counterparts, appears as the final boss of Pokémon Ranger.
Women in the Naval Reserve were recalled along with their male counterparts for duty during the Korean War.
On a number of occasions, the puppet cast has been joined by well known comedians along with their real-life counterparts.
In Baghdad, American troops, along with their Iraqi counterparts, have been conducting sweeps of troubled areas to secure them.
The video featured all top 5 female models along with their top 5 male counterparts, lip-syncing the song.
They are also heavily used in missions in the North Caucasus, along with their counterparts from Alpha.