The entire cast and crew along with Russian dancers were expected to attend the function, which was to be telecast on television later.
Originally he released music along with his singers and dancers entitled "Le Big Bazar" but went for a more solo approach 1977.
Before the program ended, the audience was clapping happily along with the musicians and dancers.
The whole population of the town seemed to be there, along with traditional Turkish dancers and musicians.
The tour features 23 playback singers from India, along with several instrumentalists and dancers.
Baroque-era performers, along with dancers and acrobats, will be placed throughout the room to create a 360-degree spectacle that pays homage to the venue's history.
There were several hundred people on hand, along with a jazz band and ethnic dancers.
Along with female dancers who joined him to bump and grind, he was flanked by two rappers to bolster his image as an "R&B Thug."
He went on tour at Butlins, performing full 45-minute sets along with a live band and dancers as part of The Chico Experience.
Duran, stranded by the weather, didn't show up, but Barbara Anne Fenner did, along with several other dancers.