Here s a surviving copy of a Zephyr promo film along with black and white clips from a Zephyr performance.
It's all here, along with clips from the films and home movies.
The song's chorus plays with no other voice-over, along with clips of action in the streets, and station on-air staff with slogans promoting programming.
Divided into chapters, this film contains every cut-scene of the game, along with several clips of gameplay footage recorded by the developers.
This footage, along with clips of viewers miming to the song, was then used to construct the final music video for the single, which McDonnell edited.
The song's music video features the B-52's playing on stage in front of an audience, along with clips of them running through a forest.
The video displays them performing in the studio along with classic photos and clips of the band over their lengthy career.
The video features McCartney following a girl, along with clips of him in the recording studio with his band.
All this and more is there, along with podcasts and clips of the music in question.