This means more emphasis on job training, along with higher charges to clients.
These charges, along with charges of other leaks to the media, became a prevalent election season talking point by conservatives.
She denies the charges along with alternative charges of causing grievous bodily harm.
The woman tapped a laminated statement on the desk that showed the daily prices along with various taxes, duties, fees, and environmental-impact charges.
On 4 December 2012 Paul Taylor was convicted of her murder along with other charges of rape, attempted rape and a serious sexual assault.
As described by a prison guard Crazy K has received a life sentence for suspicion of murder three times along with other charges.
Mr. Schnittker points to studies that show consumer prices rising along with Government-imposed charges on processors.
Charge insurance companies $1.4 billion to pay off the debt, along with new charges for motor vehicle registrations, for lawyers, doctors, chiropracters, automobile body shops and busineses.
His opponents criticized his administration for deteriorating law and order in the state, along with charges of corruption.
They need time to make a fool proof case, along with several other charges just to make it look good.