Today, road racing is a popular sport among non-professional athletes, who included over 7.7 million people in America alone in 2002.
Its health care system alone includes the nation's second-ranked medical school and two renowned teaching hospitals.
The bacteria alone included several thousand different species, and could number as high as a hundred million individuals per gram of soil.
The followers alone included nearly 2,200 dhooly-bearers, 4,700 transport men and over 1,200 servants.
The site also includes a stand alone indoor handball complex.
Note: This iteration alone included specific awards for each entry.
As of 2008, the lodging facilities alone for the school include three buildings with over 150 rooms.
The museum's coin collection alone includes 1.7 million coins, making it the largest in Russia.
One row alone included a panoply of politicians, advisers and Washington glitterati.
The sexual strategies of orchids alone include some improbably exquisite arrangements.