(County Cavan alone boasts some 365 lakes.)
The park has over 3.5 million lights and the crystal pedestrian bridge boasts over 75,000 lights alone!
The section of Flatbush between Winthrop Street and Parkside Avenue alone boasts eight salons and two beauty supply stores.
In 1250 Cologne alone boasted about a thousand Beguines.
Rome alone boasts dozens of hidden museums.
The physics department alone boasts Ph.D.'s in astro-, bio-, solid-state and theoretical physics.
Kansas alone boasted 130,000 members, closely followed by Nebraska, the Dakotas, and Minnesota, and the national office optimistically projected 2 million members in the near future.
Today, the Nilgiris district alone boasts hydro-electric stations with an aggregate installed capacity of 837 MW.
The peri-Antarctic islands, of course, have much more diverse flora, with South Georgia alone boasting at least 50 species of vascular plants.
This region alone boasts camps for potters, quilters and knitters, and gatherings where day after day, adults head out to watch birds or perfect their cycling skills.