The allies threatened similar strikes against Serbian military targets within about 12 miles of every other Muslim "safe area" in Bosnia.
Syria and its Lebanese Muslim allies even threatened to enter the Christian enclave, which had been considered off limits for 14 years.
"It began forty years agone, when your clansmen and allies were threatening this city and realm."
France and its allies threatened to declare war against Sweden if Sweden did not meet the French demands.
The allies threatened earlier this year to bomb military sites inside Serbia proper if attacks did not cease.
The African National Congress and its allies have threatened to confiscate any assets sold by the Government once it comes to power.
Pétain later remarked to Reynaud about this threat, saying "your ally now threatens us".
Our allies - not to mention China - are now wealthier, more confident and no longer threatened by an "evil empire."
Indeed, the allies had threatened to disown American policy if he took any other tack.
Instead, the allies have merely threatened the Serbs with bombs that never dropped.