Our European allies will provide the vast majority of them.
What kind of assistance will allies - who paid for about 90 percent of the costs in the Gulf war - provide this time around?
Secret allies among the Confederation trade delegation to Caern had provided most of the necessary information.
These allies provided aide for the workers who were not paid while on strike.
Our European allies provide approximately four-fifths of these peacekeeping forces.
But it is uncertain how the European allies could provide 25,000 to 30,000 troops for a 50,000-member peacekeeping force.
These once-strong allies had provided the core of Mr. Lindsay's political strength.
The Western allies at first provided all resistance organizations with funds and equipment.
Bush officials say, optimistically, that $12 billion of that could come from Iraqi oil revenues, and hope American allies will provide the balance.
If President Bush is re-elected, our allies will not be providing more money or troops for the American occupation.