Seeing the dwarves moving back, the Tsurani and their allies pressed the attack.
Verdis and her allies were pressing.
Hezbollah and its allies pressed for more power in Lebanon and when rebuffed, began demonstrations intended to topple the government.
The plaintiffs and their allies pressed for a broader interpretation of the 2001 ruling.
But the general ridiculed suggestions, widespread in the last 36 hours, that the allies might press on to Baghdad.
In 1868, when the allies were pressing him hard, he convinced himself that his Paraguayan supporters had actually formed a conspiracy against his life.
Nevertheless, the Spaniards and their allies pressed inexorably forward.
The allies pressed on towards the Seto River.
Republicans and their allies pressed every button and it didn't work, even against a ripe target called Barack Hussein Obama.
Hezbollah and its chief ally, the former general Michel Aoun, are pressing to extend their control.