It may be that we, and our principal allies, consider the Saudis no longer competent to act as custodians of that asset.
The Doctor and his allies consider the Master's fate before he is shot by his wife Lucy.
But the allies have never really considered total war against Serbia, leaving only the hope that continued bombing and diplomacy will work.
Mr. Fox and his allies were considering a last-minute proposal that would outline a new methodology for mounting an opposition primary election.
Britain's allies considered the important objects of the war to have been met, and that the larger claims which the Whigs claimed were excessive.
She wanted to see Gary, considered him her ally and friend.
While he and his liberal allies may consider this a victory, it's a defeat for the...
He tried ration- ally to consider the alternatives.
His Deryni allies had considered the danger that Hubert outlined.
In recent weeks the United States and its allies have become frustrated by the rebels' apparent unwillingness to consider a peaceful resolution.