Mr. Clinton has lobbied hard to get the allies to commit at least $2 billion to start the privatization fund; this week he's expected to prevail.
The Geneva Convention has clarified them; but the Iraqis say that the allies are themselves committing war crimes by attacking civilians.
They emphasized that the Western allies should commit troops quickly to the peace effort if they wanted it to remain alive.
The French had besieged Fort William Henry, and their Indian allies had committed atrocities after their victory.
Abkhaz, North Caucasian militants, and their allies committed numerous atrocities against the city's remaining ethnic Georgians, in what has been dubbed the Sukhumi Massacre.
To ensure that all this makes a difference, the United States and its allies must commit experienced Western police officers to field-based mentoring programs with provincial police forces.
Washington's response has been to press the allies to commit to better enforcement, while maintaining an open position on streamlining the embargo list.
According to people familiar with the investigation, however, it revealed that United States officials repeatedly chose to ignore strong evidence that their Salvadoran allies were committing atrocities.
Yamata and his allies had committed his country to action from which there was no backing away, and he couldn't decide if they'd known it or not when they'd begun.
Our European allies have also committed themselves to a much more visible presence in the region.