The Labour leader's closest political allies claim, with justification, that he has made a creditable start.
But America's allies never claimed leadership of the free world or keen interest in democracy outside their borders.
First, the allies claimed the right to use force against a sovereign state only because it refused to sign a proffered agreement.
His allies claim that the former sheet metal worker is the victim of an elitist political class.
His allies claimed that the deaths were a central part of a carefully orchestrated coup by his enemies.
Mr. Durant and his allies claim to understand and represent the poor, in contrast, they say, to the legal services programs.
When it proposed a gaming casino for financial security, the so-called "allies" claimed to have alternatives.
By the end of January the allies claimed to have flown over 30,000 sorties.
By Jan. 29 the allies claimed that nearly 100 Iraqi planes were in Iran.
Do the allies also claim authority to rain missiles on Iraqi tanks?