It was not, I must confess, a very alluring prospect.
Instead, he turned his thoughts to the alluring prospect of marrying a girl of the Julian house.
Perhaps the most alluring prospects lie in artificial intelligence and computers that learn.
Despite such limitations, though, these prototypical interactive channels do dangle an alluring prospect.
With the alluring prospect of multimillion-dollar contracts, the question for many college football players is, "Why not take the money now?"
Reform is an alluring prospect in the abstract, but when it pinches specific groups, Germans can quickly lose their appetite for change.
That is an alluring prospect in a city with an unemployment rate of 6 percent.
The new features have an alluring prospect - they allow users to receive that information from their banks through Intuit's computers.
Even while he was still describing this, apparently, alluring prospect to me, I had made up my mind to refuse.
He smiled deep inside at the alluring prospect.