The most recent contract extensions have, for the first time, allowed the networks to broadcast games on the Internet.
However, their low-power license allows them to broadcast different programming and commercial content, when desired.
But the company wants to acquire the new license, which would allow it to broadcast more than 200 channels.
He says things that he is unlikely to believe and would not allow himself to broadcast in ordinary circumstances.
Broadcasts: Allows players to broadcast a short status message for your friends to see.
We must allow them to broadcast, then follow with our own news.
The successful format allowed it to broadcast nationally from 1957 in the light entertainment slot on Sunday afternoons.
He knows a mind trick to allow people to broadcast meaning to others' minds as they speak.
School officials have agreed to allow ministers to broadcast religious programs on the high school radio station here.
Internet technology allows radio stations to broadcast their programmes all over the world.