Speed Calling 8 allows subscribers to assign a telephone number to each of the digits 2 through 9.
Speed Calling 30 allows subscribers to assign a telephone number to each of the numbers 20 through 49.
The privilege system allows instructors to assign tool management privileges to particular members of a course.
The numbers are interesting because they allow investors to assign a potential downside range to their portfolios.
I have all the images we've ever received, and the stellar geometry allows me to assign an age to each one.
Parameters allow you to assign values to properties within packages at the time of package execution.
It allows you to assign a specific vibration to certain contacts.
Simple algebra allows to assign all coefficients and then normalize them.
The number of prefixes, which allow users to assign handles, is growing and passed 212,000 in 2009.
And the author's focus is to allow you to assign sticky process priorities to things.