On 1 October 2009, Foxtel launched an online download service which allows all cable and satellite customers to access Foxtel content via their computer.
The free service has limitations on content availability, while the paid service allows users to access premium content without interruptions and advertisements.
One benefit of electronic book readers is that they allow users to access additional content via hypertext links.
MOG also allows users to access aggregated editorial content from music blogs, user posts, and in-house editors.
Several files can be selected that are not run by the game during normal game-play but that allow the player to access additional content.
She was one of the co-founders of Eyestorm - an online gallery allowing a whole new audience to access artistic content for the first time.
Mobile Browsing allows users to access MSN content and services optimized for their mobile devices.
In theory, the same-origin policy prevents this from happening: client-side scripts are only allowed to access content on the same host that served the script.
(d) The Bespoke service allows you to access full text content without any embedded advertising.
Players can also purchase specific customization pieces for their mulitplayer characters via microtransactions, allowing players to access content they would otherwise have to play to unlock.