The ships of the group spent two days keeping the U-boats under (where they were less effective), allowing the convoy to escape.
But the Bosnian Army refused to allow the convoy through.
The departure of the convoy was delayed by thick fog, but allowed the convoy to reach Loch Ewe without being attacked.
The general had tried for days to persuade Serbian commanders to allow the convoy to pass through the siege lines.
Hyderabad Police cleared the mob and allowed the convoy to proceed safely.
Serbian officials insisted that they were trying to convince the women to allow the convoy through.
The resulting firestorm wiped out the blocking Chinese company, allowing the convoy to advance.
By allowing the convoy to reach Srebrenica, Serbian leaders appeared to have stepped back from what had threatened to become a showdown.
She was prevented from carrying out a dawn attack by Japanese air cover and was forced to allow the convoy to escape without further damage.
The corvette would then keep the submarine down and pre-occupied with avoiding depth charge attacks long enough to allow the convoy to safely pass.