The tribunal will also allow written testimony by witnesses.
Almost all jurisdictions allow testimony when one spouse has committed a violent crime against the other.
Many courts nationwide have allowed such testimony but judges have significant discretion as to its admissibility.
Wager at law allowed testimony from many witnesses, who might have nothing to do with the actual litigation.
Texas and Oregon are the only states that allow testimony on future dangerousness as a factor in imposing the death penalty.
For example, California and Wisconsin have allowed such testimony under certain circumstances for many years.
Judge John Bruner had said he would not allow testimony on the issue of abortion, ruling it irrelevant.
The judge in the case agreed to allow expert testimony in the trial, which began on September 20, 2010.
That's why Maryland, in the case before the Court, and well over half the states have amended their trial procedures to allow indirect testimony.
The commission allowed public testimony, and several of the friends admonished the commission for its racism.