Unlike standard guitar controllers, pro guitars allow input of any fret/string combination, allowing accurate simulation of a real guitar.
This allowed simulation of the finished product and testing of the logic before the availability of software simulations of integrated circuits.
SCS - The Standard Combat series is a general system which is easy (yet still challenging) and allows simulation of a wide range of battles.
GEM uses a novel electromagnetic algorithm allowing direct numerical simulation of the electromagnetic problem at high plasma pressures.
ODE allows accurate simulation of the physical properties of objects such as velocity, inertia and friction.
The aircraft was prepped and then installed in the chamber using special fixtures and tooling designed to allow simulation of conditions in flight.
This allows the generation of polyphase sine waves, I-Q constellations, or simulation of signals from geared mechanical systems such as jet engines.
A base here would allow simulation of a mission to Mars.
These models will allow simulation of operational alternatives and thereby their evaluation leading to the optimum structure, contents and behaviour of the enterprise operation.
The user can choose which modules to activate, allowing simulation of the desired ones only.