The superior mobility of the young of the species allows spontaneous settlement of newly discovered living spaces.
In 1891, the United States Congress appointed a commission to meet with the tribal leaders and come to an agreement allowing white settlement.
However farmers settled in the area before the law changed to allow settlement in 1839.
After the expedition, the maps that were produced allowed the further discovery and settlement of this vast territory in the years that followed.
Yet along with international law, Israeli law was repeatedly bent or broken to allow settlement to proceed.
The railway also allowed settlement and industry to flourish in the valley.
Because of the sophisticated trading market, an advanced banking system developed as well, allowing further settlement from outsiders.
Not to allow new settlement of people in the Sovereign Base Areas other than for temporary purposes.
The Cherokee were forced to adopt their slaves into the tribe, and to allow settlement of their lands by whites.
In 1854 the Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed legal settlement in the regional area.