Data should be published in a timely manner and with a licence that allows open reuse, including commercially.
This allows spatial reuse for frame transmission to/from MAC address not present in the ring topology.
The additional antennas can allow reuse of the same frequency over multiple paths, increasing the potential throughput.
According to Bezrukov, Hieromonk Roman does not recognize copyright and allows free reuse of his work.
Most model compilers target a known programming language, because this allows reuse of existing compiler technologies.
Several episodes used the concept of duplicate Earths, allowing reuse of stock props and sets.
A rechargeable alkaline battery allows reuse of specially designed cells.
The restrictions that come along with those license are fundamentally opposed to allowing useful reuse.
Developers and the city have converted the shoreline within two miles of central Pittsburgh, allowing reuse of the industrial area.
Although structured as an internet encyclopedia the site is not a wiki nor is it published under a license allowing reuse.