And a proposal to allow early retirement for public workers.
About 15,000 construction workers laid down their tools today in protest of their employers' refusal to sign a contract negotiated last March to allow early retirement.
Allowing earlier retirement, it cost the transit system many of its most senior maintenance staff, while properly skilled replacements proved hard to find.
The pioneering general pension scheme was, however, for the Civil Service: first established in 1810, by, 1859 a full pension scheme allowed retirement at sixty.
During negotiations Monday night, the union revised its demand to allow retirement at 57, with 97 percent of the full pension, according to Mr. Bender.
On the 25th anniversary of his appointment as pastor of the Garnisonkirche, Frommel requested and was allowed retirement.
That will allow retirement of still older equipment.
A year later he was terminated and eventually allowed medical retirement.
After fulfilment of their service, the veterans were allowed retirement to these estates.
Many if not all underlying mortgages have repayment windows that allow retirement of the debt with no charge or reasonable charges at a specific time.