Sony has opted to go with an open pricing scheme for the 60 GB model, allowing retailers to set a price point themselves.
The smaller size packaging allowed retailers to place the product near check-out counters and at easy point-of-sale locations.
Today, there are even systems that allow retailers with several locations to monitor stores and distribution centers from a single location.
Tax cuts and lower borrowing costs have bolstered consumer spending, allowing retailers to raise prices in the shops.
It's brilliantly ambiguous, allowing retailers to drive a trolley through the rules on sale advertising.
The short leases allow larger retailers to test the market temporarily before committing to a location, and lower costs for new business owners.
It allows major retailers to pursue financial damages from anyone they believe has ripped them off, side-stepping the courts and the police.
There is also a need to lift onerous distribution controls and allow large retailers to contract directly with farmers.
Midweek versions of the chart are produced every day, allowing record companies and retailers to track sales trends.
For months he has campaigned to allow retailers measuring up to 200,000 square feet to open in under-used manufacturing areas without community review.