We are to blame for allowing inept politicians of all sorts to do it.
It would blow a huge hole in the bill, allowing politicians to raise the newly banned soft money for their campaigns by other means.
They'll never wake up to anything so long as they allow politicians like Milibland to dream for them.
The real problem, he insists, is the failure to allow markets, rather than politicians and planners, to decide who gets what.
We need to take a strong stance as we can't allow politicians and businessmen to take over our fine education system.
This has allowed individual politicians to have undue influence in how the faults should be repaired.
Allowing politicians to switch political parties at any time.
The new election date allowed politicians 9 days time (by 8 June) to switch parties.
This allows everyone, all organisations, media and national politicians to keep an eye on us if they so wish.
For over 30 years, it has allowed antichoice politicians to deprive poor women of medically necessary treatment.