The patents also allowed peasants to purchase hereditary ownership of the land that they worked.
Instead, it provided for an end to corvées, while allowing peasants on boyar estates control over their own houses and a parcel of pasture.
It allowed peasants to power watermills more efficiently.
Thus it allowed peasants to cultivate land more efficiently in Europe.
The edict also allowed peasants to return to their native counties at any time.
In 1906 the Tzar had allowed peasants to own private land, which they then passed down through the generations.
Slovenia no longer allows peasants from Croatia to sell vegetables in its market.
In 1805 all serfdom was abolished and land tenure reforms allowed former peasants to own their own farms.
The land reform essentially allowed peasants to claim the land that they had traditionally worked.
He also allowed peasants to avoid the one-month corvée duty with a commutable tax as hired labor became more popular.