This program allows registered nurses with a diploma or associate degree to earn a Bachelor of Science degree.
Then, he enacted an ordinance allowing doctors and nurses to refer to transgendered people by their social name.
Another grant winner will allow doctors and nurses to monitor people with chronic ailments in their own homes, at any hour, over the Internet.
Patient rooms have computerized medical information systems at their entrances, allowing nurses to see the children while they update their records.
In substance, the bill would allow pharmacists and nurses to dispense the pill to women or girls of any age who do not have prescriptions.
Other clinics also follow clinical guidelines but allow nurses more autonomy.
So far, hospital administrators have agreed to allow nurses in six units to keep the scheduling option.
Careful distribution of grants has allowed doctors and nurses to bring the latest and most promising life saving treatments to seriously ill children.
There are shortened (18 month) programmes to allow nurses already qualified in the adult branch to hold dual registration as a nurse and a midwife.
Most hospitals now have ethics committees, allowing doctors, nurses and families to forge appropriate decisions.