The study of this pottery has allowed inferences to be drawn about the daily life, religion, social relationships, and trade with other groups.
The second property, that of allowing inferences to be made, requires a map showing two or more features of an area, such as the distribution of tree species and height above sea-level.
Optimization of data collection reduces the cost of data while satisfying statistical goals, while randomization allows reliable inferences.
Similarly, results from randomized experiments are recommended by leading statistical authorities as allowing inferences with greater reliability than do observational studies of the same phenomena.
Nafe's acoustical research later turned to the solid earth, where he was among the first to develop an accurate relation between density and seismic velocity, allowing inferences about the structure of the Earth.
Moreover, information on the degree of Tlr4 polymorphism in these and other species might allow inferences about the importance of different Tlr4 domains.
The coloration pattern is useful for separating species, but apparently does not allow inferences about phylogenetic relationships to be safely made, since this character is widespread in this family.
This allows statistical inferences to be drawn, or estimates made of the total population.
The ways they choose to accomplish a tasks, the combination of things they takes interest in, these observations allow inferences about a specific user.
The technique aims to alleviate the small N problem by allowing inferences to be drawn from the maximum number of comparisons that can be made across the cases under analysis.