Her disbarring led to a movement to allow women to practice law and hold public office in Italy.
Most are expected to back an Emiri decree that would allow women to vote and hold office beginning in 2003.
This allows them to be involved in outside arbitration and hold professional posts as long as there is no conflict of interest.
It allowed me to stroke it and hold its hand and we'd go for a walk together.
This allows the Moon dust particles to stick together and hold their shape in the vacuum.
His body possesses multiple tentacles which allow him to grab and hold his enemies.
The European Union cannot allow itself to fall behind its international partners and hold a number of areas for research in abeyance.
Activates the paddle's electromagnet, allowing it to grab and hold any number of balls.
This allow him to preach and hold church services.
For a moment she resisted, but allowed him to take her fingers from the sheets and hold both hands in his.