Prospective analysis allows likely human errors to be identified while retrospective analysis quantifies errors that have already occurred.
The protocol uses full or half duplex synchronous and asynchronous links and allowed errors introduced in transmission to be detected and corrected.
Retakes allowed obvious errors to be corrected in these productions.
The pilot periodically establishes a location fix from visual sighting of landmarks with reference to a map, allowing errors in dead reckoned course to be corrected.
The marking should give credit for children's grasp of meaning and allow 'positive' errors to be distinguished from 'negative'.
In the novel, the language Babel-17 is likened to computer programming languages that do not allow errors or imprecise statements.
In the case of C1 characters, this restriction is a backwards incompatibility; it was introduced to allow common encoding errors to be detected.
"Fast text search allowing errors."
Although grammatically this is incorrect, spoken English allows such errors.
Allows the user to analyze and correct errors in technique.