It would make more sense - and society would be better off - than allowing divorce on the back of a postcard.
Only four years ago, 63 percent of the Irish electorate voted in a referendum against allowing divorce.
Act 2710 of 1917 allowed divorce in the Philippines for the first time in its history.
New York has long resisted a national trend toward allowing no-fault divorce.
Some allow divorce, when Jesus is almost certain to have forbidden it.
Voters were asked whether they wanted to repeal a government law passed three years earlier allowing divorce for the first time in modern Italian history.
Islam allows divorce, and it can be initiated by either the husband or the wife.
In states that allow unilateral divorce, a spouse is 10 percent less likely to be putting the partner through school.
Furthermore, the bill raised the legal age for marriage to 18 and allowed divorce if a couple had lived apart for at least three years.
In 1985, the nation rejected a proposal to allow civil divorce.