Micromarketing grew to prominence in the 1990s, as personal computers allowed easier segmentation and dissemination of information to customers.
The most common techniques include munitions (such as bombs, projectiles, warheads) that allow dissemination at a distance and spray tanks which disseminate from low-flying aircraft.
Regulatory halts are mandatory for all markets, and can be imposed to allow dissemination of news about a company.
But otherwise, he said, current law in most states would probably allow the sale or dissemination of such a database without prior notice.
"The Council has agreed to allow immediate public dissemination of this development," added the Lion.
Learning organizations typically have excellent knowledge management structures, allowing creation, acquisition, dissemination, and implementation of this knowledge in the organization.
The policy comes at a time when proponents of electronic publishing and the Internet are challenging traditional print scientific journals to allow speedier dissemination of research findings.
While the report's printing had been delayed for more than a year, it was finally printed in the fall of 2003 to allow greater dissemination of the report's findings.
This technology, much like in UGC, allows unauthorized reproduction and dissemination of information and the fundamental question of liability is determined according to copyright exceptions.
This will allow the development and dissemination of good methods and practices.