There is simply no excuse for allowing criminals like these back into society; "rehabilitation" or "treatment" in almost all cases is futile.
The exclusionary rule has sometimes been criticized for allowing criminals to go free just because of police error.
Government officials say the organization was allowing the rebels and criminals to flourish in the camp, but crime has increased since the agency left, people here said.
Simon Cox asks if technology is allowing criminals to continue their careers from prison.
This has allowed criminals to evade law enforcement efforts much more easily and flexibly.
"We just have to be careful that we don't allow dangerous criminals to walk into the community on a regular basis."
There's no excuse for allowing criminals with badges to remain on the force.
He even signed a bill allowing violent criminals to be eligible for parole after serving less than half their prison sentence.
Although some places do allow prior criminals to practice a given profession, they must maintain high moral codes in order to do so.
Rest assured that I have no intention of allowing criminals to take over the Council.